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This site is intended for GB healthcare professionals only
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This promotional on-demand resource centre has been developed, organised and funded by Lilly in conjunction with the Abracadabra Programme Planning Committee. Lilly products will be discussed in these videos, and prescribing information is available below. Lilly is a registered trademark of Eli Lilly and Company. © 2024 Eli Lilly and Company. All rights reserved.

These videos are broadcast in in association with the Journal of Diabetes Nursing and Practice Nurse. The media partners and associated journals have had no input into the content of this activity.

A spotlight on personalised and compassionate care for those living with type 2 diabetes and obesity


Expand your knowledge and skills in type 2 diabetes and obesity management. This Lilly promotional and educational on-demand resource centre aims to provide you with the latest insights into the pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes and obesity, optimal treatment and lifestyle choices, and why the language we choose to use is an integral part of the management process.


The latest insights into type 2 diabetes and obesity management

Six educational videos featuring an array of expert speakers

Resources designed to help you improve your knowledge and clinical practice

On-Demand Videos

Spotlight on: Navigating the complexity of obesity and type 2 diabetes dietary intervention

Understanding the pathology of obesity

Dr Matthew Capehorn

  • Obesity prevalence, definition and its associated risk factors for other diseases
  • Obesity pathology and the effects of weight loss
  • Treatment for obesity, lifestyle modification and behaviour change

Diet in diabetes: DiRECT study 5 years on

Professor Roy Taylor

  • How insulin sensitivity effects how energy is stored in the body after a meal
  • The COUNTERPOINT study, which assessed the effects of dieting on type 2 diabetes remission
  • The DiRECT study, which assessed whether diabetes remission could be maintained from dietary weight loss

Spotlight on: How lifestyle interventions and treatment can help people living with type 2 diabetes

The role of physical activity for people living with type 2 diabetes

Professor Melanie Davies

  • Physical activity: the benefits and why it is important
  • The effects of walking, sweating, sitting, strengthening and sleep in type 2 diabetes - 24‑hour health behaviours
  • Exercise and lean mass preservation
  • How weight loss effects the body

Type 2 diabetes in 2024: How can we support people with the use of incretins?

Dr Kevin Fernando

  • How incretin molecules work in the body to regulate glucose metabolism
  • The SURPASS-2 study, which assesses the effects of Mounjaro® (tirzepatide) on HbA1c and weight vs semaglutide
  • Safety data and prescribing for Mounjaro (tirzepatide)

Spotlight on: Supporting people living with obesity

Weight bias and stigma - Why language matters

Dr Eveleigh Nicholson

  • Guidelines for obesity identification, assessment and management
  • Definition and examples of weight bias and stigma in obesity management
  • Challenges in obesity management and the impact of weight bias and stigma
  • Why language is important in weight and obesity management

Weight management in 2024

Professor Alex Miras

  • Indications, molecular structure and pharmcodynamics of Mounjaro® (tirzepatide)
  • The SURMOUNT-1 study and data, which assessed the long-term effects of Mounjaro® (tirzepatide) on weight vs semaglutide
  • Safety data of the SURMOUNT-1 study


Jane Diggle (Chair)

Specialist Diabetes Nurse Practitioner, West Yorkshire

Jane Diggle qualified with a BSc (Hons) in Nursing in 1990 (Leeds) and has over 20 years’ experience working as a practice nurse. Over the past three years, she has specialised solely in diabetes but still within a general practice setting. She is an independent prescriber and has gained MSc modules in Insulin Management and New & Advanced Therapies from Leicester University. She is the former Co-Vice-Chair of the Primary Care Diabetes Society in 2016 and has been part of the committee since 2010. She is the Editor-in-Chief for Diabetes and Primary Care Journal and regularly publishes articles on practical aspects of diabetes care. Additionally, Jane regularly speaks at national conferences on various aspects of diabetes management.

Su Down (Chair)

Diabetes Nurse Consultant, Somerset

Su Down is a Nurse Consultant in Diabetes and is the Clinical Lead for the Intermediate Diabetes Community Service in Somerset. Nationally, she is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Diabetes Nursing and a committee member of the Primary Care Diabetes Society (PCDS). Former national roles have included being a TREND (Training Research and Education for Nurses in Diabetes) associate, board member of FIT (Forum for Injection Technique), committee member of the Health Care Professionals Council of Diabetes UK, and Co-Vice-Chair of PCDS.

The constant challenge of ensuring that an equitable service is delivered to the ever-growing population of Somerset is one that Su finds highly rewarding. Furthermore, she has relished being able to have an influence on both national and international projects

Nicola Milne (Chair)

Primary Care Diabetes Specialist Nurse, Manchester

Nicola Milne qualified as a Registered General Nurse and Midwife in 1998 and 1991, respectively, prior to moving into primary care in 2002, where she worked as a Practice Nurse for sixteen years until April 2018. Whilst retaining a generalist role, Nicola had a special interest in diabetes, with a key focus on ensuring effective accessible care. She moved to establish the Community Diabetes Education and Support Team within central Manchester – a finalist in the Diabetes Quality in Care Awards in 2022.

As a co-author of the document ‘Best Practice Diabetes Care within the Primary Care Network’, Nicola worked to put the evidence from the document into practice as the DiaST (Diabetes Support Team) Lead across a primary care network in south Manchester from 2022–2024. Nicola continues to work in primary care and is also the Diabetes Specialist Nurse Lead for the Greater Manchester and East Cheshire Strategic Clinical Network.

Nicola has presented abstracts at multiple conferences and has become increasingly involved in the education of healthcare professionals. She has published works in chronic kidney disease and diabetes and continues to be involved in projects focusing upon various aspects of diabetes management.

Nicola has previously served as Chair of the Diabetes UK Professional Conference Organising Committee for Liverpool and was a member of the NICE Diabetes Guidelines suite 2019–2020. She is also a Diabetes UK Clinical Champion and is honoured with the title of Queen’s Nurse. Currently, she is joint Co-Vice Chair of the Primary Care Diabetes Society, an editorial board member of the Journal of Diabetes and Primary Care and the Journal of Diabetes Nursing, a member of the Diabetes UK Research Study Group for diabetes-related complications, member of the Diabetes UK Healthcare Professional Advisory Committee and a course tutor for i-Heed for the diabetes diploma modules.

Professor Naresh Kanumilli (GUEST CHAIR)

GP with Special Interest in Diabetes and Cardiology, Manchester

Naresh Kanumilli has been a GP in south Manchester for the past 20 years and he has a specialist interest in Diabetes and Cardiology.

He was appointed Visiting Professor of the Institute of Medicine at the University of Bolton recently, with a view to being part of the faculty in developing and delivering the curriculum for the medical school that is being set up. Additionally, he is a Diabetes UK Clinical Champion and a Community Consultant in Diabetes at the Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust.

He has a very keen focus on the management of chronic conditions in the community, hence he has been actively involved in setting up and running community-based clinics, both in cardiology and diabetes. He is actively involved with the current integration agenda to provide patients with seamless care between primary and secondary sectors. He is also keen to ensure that the patients are seen at the right time, in the right place and by the right person.

Professor Kanumilli is the Clinical Network Lead for Diabetes across Greater Manchester and East Cheshire. He has developed the diabetes strategy for Greater Manchester. Furthermore, he is actively involved in the development of pathways and strategies for long-term conditions within the new integrated care system structure.

He is the Honorary Clinical Advisor for primary care research at the Greater Manchester Clinical Research Network. The focus of the role is to get primary care involved in research and help the development of real-world studies.

In addition to his clinical roles, Professor Kanumilli is also a committee member of the Primary Care Diabetes Society; on the board of trustees for the South Asian Health Foundation; and director in the charity Vision Beyond Autism, which looks after children and young adults with autism. He is also actively involved in GP training and the training of nurses, and has presented at numerous conferences both on clinical and non-clinical topics.

Judy Winter (GUEST CHAIR)

Advanced Nurse Practitioner and Diabetes Specialist Nurse, Greater Preston Clinical Commissioning Group

Judy Winter has been a qualified nurse for 25 years; for the past 17 years, she has spent most of her time looking after patients with type 2 diabetes. Over the last five years, she has worked in a dual role as an Advanced Nurse Practitioner and Diabetes Specialist Nurse within the primary care setting in the NHS Greater Preston and Chorley and South Ribble Clinical Commissioning Groups.

Judy completed the Warwick Diabetes Course and undertook a Masters’ degree in Insulin Initiation and Titration four years ago. Diabetes is where her passion lies, with the overriding objective being that of personal, individualised care. As an Advanced Nurse Practitioner, she has also developed a wide range of skills that complement her additional role as a Diabetes Specialist Nurse.

Dr Matthew Capehorn

GP and Clinical Manager, Rotherham Institute for Obesity

Matthew Capehorn studied at the University of Sheffield and qualified with a BMedSci degree in Neurophysiology in 1993, and a MBChB degree in Medicine and Surgery in 1996. In 2002, Dr Capehorn set up a weight management clinic within his practice which, for many years, remained Rotherham’s only dedicated service for adult obesity. Over subsequent years, it was expanded due to demand and for having a reputation for achieving good sustainable results. He was a member of the group that helped to develop the NHS Rotherham Healthy Weight Framework that won the NHS Health and Social Care Award in 2009.  He developed the Rotherham Institute for Obesity (ROI) to provide a Rotherham-wide multi-disciplinary (tier 3) service based around a specialist centre within the primary care setting that tackles difficult areas, such as childhood obesity, adult obesity, diabetes and obstructive sleep apnoea. RIO is now an established research site with a dedicated team that conduct commercial and non-commercial studies, specialising in obesity- and diabetes-related research. Dr Capehorn has been Chief UK Investigator on several studies and principal investigator on many more. RIO is involved with our primary care research network (PCRN), collaborating with several academic institutions and has done numerous studies in all aspects of primary care medicine. He has published numerous articles related to obesity and diabetes, as well as having published/presented numerous abstracts in the form of oral or poster presentations at conferences.

Dr Capehorn has been invited onto several local, regional and national strategy/advisory boards and regularly speaks at meetings to all healthcare professionals in the hope of encouraging weight management and diabetes services.

He is Medical Director of the commercial weight loss company, LighterLife®, as well as the online health company, MANUAL. He is an ad hoc medical advisor to McDonalds, an expert advisor to the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) and has been asked to present at All Party Parliamentary Group meetings on obesity on several occasions.

He was previously a visiting lecturer at the University of Chester on their MSc course in obesity, an honorary senior lecturer with the University of Sheffield, on the Faculty of the Primary Care Academy of Diabetes Specialists since its formation in 2014, and Clinical Director of the National Obesity Forum (NOF), for which he developed the NOF one-day Diploma in Obesity and organised the 2009 and 2010 NOF annual conferences. Currently, he is on the Academic Advisory Board of the College of Contemporary Health (CCH).

Professor Melanie Davies

Professor of Diabetes Medicine, University of Leicester

Melanie Davies is Professor of Diabetes Medicine at the University of Leicester and an Honorary Consultant Diabetologist at the University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust.  She is the Co-Director of the Leicester Diabetes Centre, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust.

Professor Davies’ research interests include the causes, screening, prevention, self-management and treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM).  She is a National Institute for Health Research Senior Investigator Emeritus and Director of the NIHR Leicester Biomedical Research Centre and co-chair of EASD/ADA’s Consensus Report on T2DM Management. Professor Davies has published over 800 original articles and has over £100M of grant funding. She was awarded the CBE (Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire) in the 2016 New Year’s Honour’s List for services to diabetes research.

Dr Kevin Fernando

GP Partner, GP with Specialist Interest in Diabetes and Cardiovascular, Renal and Metabolic Conditions and Medical Education, Scotland

Kevin Fernando is a part-time GP Partner (four clinical patient-facing sessions weekly) working at North Berwick Health Centre, near Edinburgh. He is also Content Advisor for WebMD Medscape Global and UK, and Honorary Clinical Reader at the University of Dundee.

Dr Fernando is a regular keynote speaker at small- and large-scale education events throughout the UK, Ireland and abroad.  His main specialist topics include all aspects of care for people living with type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular, renal and metabolic (CVRM) conditions and interpretation and management of commonly abnormal blood tests in primary care.

Dr Fernando is an accomplished medical writer, and his articles distil key guidelines and consensus for primary care, as well as summarise congress highlights and breaking research and its applicability to primary care. Additionally, he has co-authored several articles published in peer-reviewed journals covering multiple aspects of type 2 diabetes and CVRM care in primary care.

He is very active on social media (X handle @drkevinfernando) where he posts hot topics in type 2 diabetes and CVRM, as well as delivering ‘tweetorials.’ He recently has forayed into YouTube (@DrKevinFernando) and TikTok (@drkevinfernando) with patient-facing video content.

Dr Fernando graduated from the University of Edinburgh in 2000 and holds both MRCGP and MRCP(UK) qualifications. Additionally, he has completed a Master’s degree in diabetes, which he passed with distinction.

He has been elected to fellowships of the Royal College of General Practitioners, the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh and also the Academy of Medical Educators for his work in diabetes and medical education.

Professor Alex Miras

Professor of Endocrinology, Ulster University

Alex Miras is Professor of Endocrinology at Ulster University. His clinical and research work focus solely on obesity and type 2 diabetes. He has contributed to clinical management policy and research in the field of obesity over the last 14 years. The specialist interests of his research group are the mechanisms of action of interventions for obesity, focusing on pharmacotherapy, medical devices, and obesity surgery. Professor Miras is a member of the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) obesity management guidelines committee, trustee of the Association for the Study of Obesity and Chair of the research subcommittee of the National Bariatric Surgery Registry. He is associate editor for the journals Obesity and Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases (SOARD).

Dr Eveleigh Nicholson

Consultant in Diabetes and Endocrinology, Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust

Eveleigh Nicholson has been a Consultant in Diabetes and Endocrinology in Portsmouth since 2016. She has a specialist interest in obesity and bariatric medicine, working within the Portsmouth City tier 3 programme and in one of the largest surgical bariatric centres in Queen Alexandra Hospital as the specialist physician.

Additionally, Dr Nicholson is Director of Undergraduate Medical Education at Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust and Co-Director of the Southern Diabetes Medical Services Llp.

Professor Roy Taylor

Professor of Medicine, Newcastle University

Roy Taylor qualified in medicine at the University of Edinburgh, and is Professor of Medicine at Newcastle University. He founded the Newcastle Magnetic Resonance Centre in 2006 to develop innovative research techniques. Using these methods, he showed that his 2008 Twin Cycle Hypothesis could be proven in clinical practice. Type 2 diabetes was shown to be a simple, reversible condition of excess fat within the liver and pancreas. Subsequently, he has extended these observations on the cause of type 2 diabetes and how remission can be achieved. This has led to practical application in the National Health Service with the national ‘NHS Type 2 Diabetes Path to Remission’ programme, which is now successfully in place.

Between 1986 and 2000, Professor Taylor developed the system now used throughout the United Kingdom for screening for diabetic eye disease, aiding the major reduction in blindness due to diabetes across the UK.

He has published books in lay language explaining type 2 diabetes (e.g., ‘Life Without Diabetes’) plus training books on retinal screening. He has been invited to deliver named lectures, including the 2012 Banting Lecture of Diabetes UK and the 2024 Claude Bernard Lecture of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD). He received the 2023 Robert Turner Award for Research Impact. Professor Taylor was made MBE in the King’s 2023 New Year Honours list.

This promotional on-demand resource centre has been developed, organised and funded by Lilly in conjunction with the Abracadabra Programme Planning Committee. Lilly products will be discussed in these videos, and prescribing information is available below. Lilly is a registered trademark of Eli Lilly and Company. © 2024 Eli Lilly and Company. All rights reserved.

These videos are broadcast in in association with the Journal of Diabetes Nursing and Practice Nurse. The media partners and associated journals have had no input into the content of this activity.
Prescribing information for Lilly products can be accessed at the following links: Abasaglar® (insulin glargine), Humalog® (insulin lispro)Lyumjev®▼ (insulin lispro), Mounjaro®▼ KwikPen® (tirzepatide), and Trulicity® (dulaglutide) For more information about Lilly products, please visit

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